
370  QAR

Introducing Fuji, our beautiful fresh flower bouquet, luxuriously wrapped in premium fabric wrapping. This stunning arrangement creates a truly memorable gift or centerpiece for any occasion.

Gift Includes:

  • A beautiful fresh flower bouquet luxuriously wrapped with fabric wrapping.


120  QAR

Introducing Koya, our layered fresh flower bouquet, luxuriously wrapped for a touch of class. This stunning arrangement creates a truly memorable gift or centerpiece for any occasion.

Gift Includes:

  • A layered fresh flower bouquet elegantly wrapped for a touch of class!


200  QAR

Introducing Victory, our beautiful fresh flower bouquet in shades of yellow, luxuriously wrapped with matching wrapping decoration. This stunning arrangement creates a truly memorable gift or centerpiece for any occasion.

Gift Includes:

  • A beautiful fresh flower bouquet in shades of yellow with matching wrapping decoration.


300  QAR

Introducing Bia, our beautiful fresh flower bouquet in shades of yellow, luxuriously wrapped with matching wrapping decoration. This stunning arrangement creates a truly memorable gift or centerpiece for any occasion.

Gift Includes:

  • A beautiful fresh flower bouquet in shades of yellow with matching wrapping decoration.


835  QAR

An elegant acrylic gift presentation box filled with a 1 kg Buono Elite wrapped chocolate box, a Crepe Dulcey Chocolate box from Hanoverial, a 100 g classic brownie box from Golden Browns and a 500 g rangeena box from Biskuvi, completed with a beautiful fresh flower bouquet.


515  QAR

A decorative acrylic tray with a beautiful fresh flower gift arrangement containing a 500 g tin of our most famous mixed chocolate pecan, a 225 g luxury box of peanut butter cookies from Golden Browns and a 500 g dates maamoul box from Biskuvi.


700  QAR

A fabric weave basket filled with a 500 g tin of our most famous mixed chocolate pecan, a 700 g box of our finest wrapped chocolates, a 450 g box of zaatar cookies from Golden Browns and a 500 g box of mixed maamoul from Biskuvi, all decorated with a fresh flower design.


425  QAR

A traditional basket filled with a 500 g box of our finest chocolate crepe rolls and a Crepe Dulcey chocolate box from Hanoverian decorated with a fresh flower bouquet.


440  QAR

A traditional basket filled with a 500 g tin of our delicious chocolate mixed nuts, a 500 g box of our finest chocolate crepe rolls, a 110 g box of peanut butter cookies from Golden Browns and a 500 g box of dates maamoul from Biskuvi all decorated with fresh flowers.


590  QAR

A traditional basket filled with a 500 g tin of our delicious mixed nuts, a 700 g window box of our finest wrapped chocolates, a 450 g box of zaatar cookies from Golden Browns and a 500 g box of Rangeena from Biskuvi completed with a full coffee and tea cup set.