Indulge in the perfect blend of beauty and flavor with Sweet Love our Beautiful Bouquet, a captivating ensemble that combines the finest red roses and complementing flowers with specially designed flower wrapping. This bouquet is more than just a display of elegance; it’s a delightful treat for the senses. Admire the vibrant hues of the red roses, each bloom carefully selected for its beauty and freshness. Complemented by a selection of exquisite flowers, the bouquet is a harmonious symphony of colors and textures that captivate the eye.
What makes this bouquet truly special is its specially designed flower wrapping, adding an extra layer of sophistication and charm. Within this elegant wrapping lies a 500g tin of our famous mixed chocolate pecan, a delicious blend of flavors that complements the floral beauty of the bouquet. Whether gifted to a loved one or used to enhance your own celebrations, our Beautiful Bouquet with specially designed flower wrapping and mixed chocolate pecan tin is sure to create memorable moments filled with joy and indulgence.
Gift Includes :
- A beautiful bouquet combining the finest red roses and complementing flowers with specially designed flower wrapping.
- a 500 g tin of our famous mixed chocolate pecan.
how to keep flowers fresh longer :
- Replenish the water frequently.
- After picking out a clean vase, fill it with room temperature water and add in a packet of flower food.
- Cut the Stems at least trim 1-2 inches off and cut at an angle. After the initial cut, be sure to re-trim your bouquet once every few days.
- Avoid Direct Sunlight, Heat, Drafts and Fruit.
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